Saturday 3 January 2015

The first ride of 2015

As planned, this week has been focused more on walking, with Chris and Anna. I'll admit that I'm generally of the opinion "Why walk when you can cycle?", but I'll also admit that there are places a road bike can't go, and I know I've been missing out on the walking in these parts, which is spectacular, as you might have seen from previous posts this week.
But with a knee niggle from some considerable upping-and-downing on two feet, and a change to milder conditions, today was the day to do my first ride of the year. Nothing adventurous, as I haven't been on a bike for almost two weeks, and some minor roads are still icy, so just an out-and-back ride to Beaurières on the D93.

A few photos (for now of poorer quality from my phone), the first one from my front door this morning, as it was beautiful, though I still can't read the weather here. The other photos are from Luc-en-Diois and Beaurières, but as I came back close to home, the sky had definitely turned an angrier shade - not the "Ciel peu nuageux" forecast by Méteo France, though their guesses are still probably better than mine.

And tomorrow: the drive back to the other reality, and work on Monday. Ho hum.

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